
why do this?

Hiya!, this blog was created with the intention of showing  how you can do so many things with stuff that you might think is useless or just not necessary anymore. If we start to look around us we'll notice that we're sorrounded by lots of things that can be used again. We could still use them  in the same way we used to or, come up with a new way to use it = to get creative.
This is sometihng i consider fun and entertaining at the same time.. i mean it.. Some people might be like " hey ilze, stop collecting all that sh** and start doing something important." or "ilze, why do you have all this garbage in your room? throw it!" . For me this is kinda important, it involves recylcing and  it keeps you busy. We gotta remember that recycling is very important right now! it really makes a difference no matter how big or small but it really does help. Recycling is an excellent way of saving energy and conserving the environment . Also did you know that ..
- 1 recycled tin can would save enough energy to power a television for 3 hours?
- 1 recycled glass bottle would save enough energy to power a computer for 25 minutes?
- 1 recycled plastic bottle would save enough energy to power a 60-watt light bulb for 3 hours?
Interesting huh? obvioulsy  there are MORE good things that come as a result of recycling but i won't mention all of them. "But, why should i recycle 'hippie' ilze?" Well, just remember that you're umm like giving something back to the earth. The rest i'll leave it to you.... :)
PS= hope i can inspire you to do lots and lots of stuff like this!!