
Skittles cushion.

Everyone knows that i love skittles :) and if you don't.. well.. then you don't know me that well.

[Front side]
I still remember when i came up with this. One day i was in class at school and i was eating skittles, then a friend told me "aagh! i wanna sleep so bad.. these desks should have cushions or something" . When he told me that i was looking  at my folder [ which had empty packages of skittles in the front]  and i was like "mhm.. cushions..skittles..." That's when i decided to do this. 

 < [Back]

For this cushion  at first i wanted to stuff it with cottons, but i didn't work out [ they turned into big massive ones]. Later, i got an old cushion and started taking out all the stuff from the inside and then my pops looked at me and he told me that it was better to just put the piece of yellow fabric i had already made on top of the old cushion.. and yeah it was a good idea. So basically this is a yellow fabric stuffed with an old cushion. The only things i made was to give the fabric the shape of a cushion and to sew the skittles packages into the fabric. Oh and see the red square in the center?.. it's a pocket. [ or wannabe pocket?] . 
 < i know it doesn't match..

Anyways this is not hard to do, and i only spent like umm 3 days? doing it. You can choose any fabric color you desire and also the candy packages you want. I'm thinking of making another one of these but instead of the skittles packages i wanna use some photos :) if i do it i'll post it here.

Things you'll need:
*Piece of fabric
*Needle and thread or a sewing machine
*Candy packages [empty duh]  
* An old cushion
*Time and dedication :)