
Remote control wallet.

This is one of the craziest ones i've made so far..
At first you see it and say "ohh wow ilze it's a remote control, what about it? i have lots back at home"

... yeah a simple/indefense/boring remote control... [front]

.. [back] ..

"Oh yes ilze we all know that remote controls batteries go in the back.. wait.. where are  the batteries?.." Yeah, i took out the batteries and the thingy that holds them and i inserted a piece of yellow fabric, which i glued thanks with the help of a hot glue gun, very easy..

I know too much cash.. yes this is the compartment for the coins, loose change and all that. You can use any color you want. This is not necessary btw but i thought it would look better with this fabric glued in it.
 Well notice that side that's broken?.. no?.. yes? all right! You have NOOO idea how difficult it was to open this control..  Thanks to the lack of strenght in my arms i had to ask my sista for help. [btw thanks sista you're the best!] . She opened that .. how? i don't remember quite well, all i remember is that i was holding the back side of the remote and she was pulling on the front side, it was kinda fun to do and watch.  After 10 min  of  struggling with this  it  was finally open [wahoo] The next thing i did was to take out all the things that were inside. [don't ask what bc i don't know those names] Then, i glued the keyboard to the front side, you don't want  the keyboard to be all loose.

Inside of the back side>> 
On the left side of the picture you can see that i didn't put anything at all inside, that's bc it would only take a lot of space and well it's already small. That'a where the bills are supposed to go.
On the right side you can see that i glued the keyboard [ like i told ya before] . I tried with the hot glue gun but it didn't work out so, i used another glue i found in my refrigerator [yes in the refrigerator] . It said on the label "glues virtually anything!" me - "anything?.. we'll see.." and yeah! it worked out.

Here you can see clearly a bill and one coin inside the remote. The 'lid' is the front side, the one with the keyboard.

To close it you just put the two pieces together and wawiwo! You have your remote control wallet. Of course the remote will look broken from the front but not everyone notice this. To open it you lift that side and the rest just pops out.

Things you'll need:
*A useless remote control
*A powerful glue
* Piece of fabric [optional]
*Hot glue gun
*Time and dedication :)